Cheryl and Dana discuss a sex education lesson that is to take place in Ruby's class. This proves a general disapproval among the two. Upon arriving home, Jim learns about this and freaks out, resistant to accept that his daughter is nearing puberty.
During an after-school meeting, a teacher shows Jim, Cheryl, and many other parents the sex education video. Shortly into the film, Jim soon becomes upset, steals the tape, and runs off. He arrives home with Cheryl and find Dana and Andy at home. The four watch the tape and Jim reveals he is the boy in the short film. He was forced to act in the movie by his mother under the false impression that it was a horror movie.
Jim enlists the help of Andy to replace the young Jim with a young Andy (who starred in a dessert advertisement when he was a child). Andy's advertisement shows the child asking his mother for a piece of dessert.
Jim returns to class with the modified tape. The group watches the tape, but Jim soon realizes that Andy modified the tape, but failed to change the audio in the tape! The boy asking for dessert takes on an inappropriate meaning now in a new context. The parents are horrified with the tape demanding it not be shown to the class.
Jim and Cheryl are relieved the tape was not shown to their daughter. However, they must discuss puberty with Ruby. Jim soon gets out of it as Ruby asks to only speak with her mother about it.